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Why Add A Folding Rail To A Stair Lift?

When you start to research suitable stair lifts for your home, it's worth looking at additional features and accessories that make lifts safer and easier to use. For example, you might want to add a folding rail on some staircases. How do these rails work? What are their advantages? 

What Are Folding Rails?

Stair lifts run on rails that sit at the side of your stairs. The lift runs up and down these rails. Some staircases fit fixed rails that run from the top to the bottom. However, others better suit a folding rail. This rail is sectional; it isn't fixed from the top to the bottom of the stairs. Part of it folds up, usually at the bottom of the stairs, to prevent the rail from sticking out when you aren't using the lift.

Folding rails can be manual or automatic. If you have a manual product, then you simply get out of your chair after using the lift and pull up the bottom part of the rail to tuck it away. You unfold it again when you need to use the lift.

If you have an automatic folding rail, then it folds itself up and down when you use the lift. For example, if you are going upstairs, the rail folds up at the bottom part way through your ride. If you are going down the stairs, then the rail automatically opens as the lift moves down.

Why Use Folding Rails?

Stair lifts usually stick out at the bottom of staircases. You need this extra coverage to help you get safely on the floor. However, this part of the rail can become a hazard on some staircases. For example, if you have an open staircase, and people walk across it, then they could trip over the part of the rail that sticks out. Plus, a fixed rail might not work for you if you have a door in front of your stairs. You might have to cut the rail too short to get you safely off the stairs. You won't be able to open and close the door if the rail sticks out.

If you add a folding rail to your lift, then you make it safer and easier to use in these situations. If the rail is folded up, then nobody will trip over it. Your lift extends down to the right level to get you on the ground safely even if you have a door at the bottom of your stairs.

To find out more about folding rails and other useful options, contact stair lifts suppliers or manufacturers.
