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3 Treatment Options For Obstructive Sleep Apnea

According to the American Sleep Apnea Organization, 22 million Americans suffer from a sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This type of sleep apnea happens when the throat muscles relax during sleep. When the throat muscles relax, the upper airway becomes obstructed, which prevents a person from breathing normally as they sleep. Symptoms often include loud snoring and intermittent pauses in breathing. Some people with OSA wake up gasping and choking. Left untreated, OSA can lead to high blood pressure, strokes, and heart failure. Thankfully, there are some effective types of treatment for OSA.

Here are three of those treatment options for obstructive sleep apnea.

1. CPAP Machine

A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine sends oxygen to the nose and mouth during sleep. This continuous supply of oxygen helps to keep the airway open, which ensures there are no obstructions of the airway or pauses in breathing as a person sleeps.

One of the most important parts of a CPAP machine is the mask, which can either cover the nostrils, the nose, or the mouth and the nose. Besides the mask and the actual machine that houses the motor, other CPAP supplies include an air filter, humidifier tub, and air tubing. The air tubing is what connects the machine to the mask. Reach out to a professional for more information about getting CPAP supplies

2. Oral Appliances

CPAP machines work well for many people that suffer from OSA. However, some people might find a CPAP machine too restrictive or they feel claustrophobic when they wear the mask. For these people, an oral appliance may suit them better.

These oral appliances are custom-made by dentists and are similar to a retainer that one wears after their braces are removed from their teeth. When the oral appliance is worn during sleep, it forces the jaw forward, which prevents the upper airway from becoming obstructed.

3. Weight Loss and Other Natural Alternatives

One of the most common causes of OSA is obesity. When a person is overweight, they often have fat deposits in the neck. This fat blocks the upper airway. Excess weight also causes the chest wall to become compressed, which reduces oxygen flow in the lungs.

While losing weight may be hard for some people, experts say that losing just 10 percent of your body weight can reduce sleep apnea symptoms. Besides maintaining a healthy weight, other natural treatment options for OSA include changing sleep positions, using a humidifier, quitting smoking, and limiting alcohol intake.
